Sunday, 8 May 2011

Extra rehearsal #1: ProcessWorks

Although we didn't take any photos or videos and therefore have no media from the night for sharing here, we did get exhaustion.

Processworks in the words of Nathan is a way of discussing. Processing a discussion in a way that frees and allows everyone to engage by whatever means they need to. Processworks was explored by Improbable in their production, 'Spirit' and we shall be trying to use this too.

"Process Work methods support artists to get in deeper contact with the material and its innate structure, feel in touch with their performance, and build new levels of contact between performers. It's not about pushing across boundaries into the unknown, but more about using your awareness to meet and unfold the creative tension, found in the most difficult bits, and by playing with the most suprising and minimal cues. It's about both catching the creative spark, and giving the necessary play and work to bring it to life - whether working with a script, in a process of devising, or in moment to moment performance." - Arts Artelier

"Process Work was developed by Jungian analyst Arnold Mindell in the 1970s when Mindell began to research illness as a meaningful expression of the unconscious mind. He discovered that the unconscious manifests not only in nighttime dreams but also in physical symptoms, relationship difficulties, addictions, and social tensions." - ProcessWorks

It was a great night with a lot of natural flow and amazing discoveries within each other. From the sublimely abstract and releasing the tension with a most likely inappropriate exploration to the intense fiery discussions that upset someone as they couldn't speak. Frustration certainly ensued.

All in all, a good time.

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