Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Emblem: Spontaneous Thoughts on Perception (a photo)

DSC_0628, originally uploaded by ludusludius.

Two bearded men covering up their facial hair with pretend beards. Now how can we have hands to do the scene with... aha, the other players!
Stroke of luck there then, who would have thought the other improvisers had arms to use?
This was a great scene in which something marvellous happened, so much so that I do forget. Alike most of the week, so much joy and busy frantic flyering that my perception on what actually happened should be the next show. Reality versus memory.
I saw a large portion on 'In the Actor's Studio' yesterday with Liza Minneli and she metioned that she had been taught that all the bad memories can be re-told hilariously. Does this mean that the fringe was awful, as I can retell it as a magical time of splendour?

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