Thursday, 2 October 2014

4Track - Improv Formats

The origins of the format come directly from Christian Capozzoli. Capozzoli is a Literature and Education Masters man, from Harvard University. He  teaches at Magnet Theater and Annoyance Theater. He is currently pushing improv into New York high schools, which we like.
4Track is a "form uses the “Aerodynamics of Yes” to create an explosive piece with bold characters, rich commentary, and high stakes" (ibid.). The 'Aerodynamics of Yes' is the book that this guy wrote. In discussion with the UCB Long Form Conversations podcast, Capozzoli dissects the form as a bursts of energy and waves. 
The team begins from taking a suggestion to a matching physicality game; they heighten the physicality; following the action and energy, the peak has the edit. They enter a relationship-based two person scene from the themes of the game. This repeats to have four rounds of matching and two person scenes. After this point, the performance has an "...avalanche of callbacks" (ibid.) where the scenes reincorporate characters of the past scene. In completion of the form, they have a fast-paced tag run of scenes.
If you have seen the form, done the form or taught the form and know differently; feel free to offer corrections. I'll change it and acknowledge you.

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